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Sebastian Ugovsky-Strassburger

Continúan las obras tras los graves problemas de salud

Incluso en las dos décadas anteriores, se hizo evidente que las luchas de los años anteriores del proyecto estaban pasando factura. El problema: un artista totalmente polifacético e incansable, con unas autoexpectativas enormemente altas y un autoexperimento [...] Read more
Karin Ugowski

Pre-Advent Reading 2024 just around the corner!

Dear friends, colleagues, guests of previous readings, as well as fellow travelers and sympathizers, neighbors and cultural strollers: It's that time again. Flap the 2nd at the end of this year. With the well-known theater & film actress Karin Ugowski from [...] Read more
Jenny Wieland (JWL Make Up & SFX)

Drama documental histórico el 1 de mayo

El Día del Trabajo, el 1 de mayo de 2024, se emitirá en ARD el documental histórico "Die Mutigen 56" (Los valientes 56). La película se rodó en Cuxhaven en 2023. La historia habla de mucha ambición y pasión, y así es exactamente como se hizo la película. Fue [...] Read more
Karin Ugowski

Host Karin Ugowski kindly invites to the autumn reading

This year, there will be a special autumn reading with Karin Ugowski for the mid season in the atmospheric barn of the idyllic country estate. Date: 28.09.2024 start at 19:00. Please make a reservation. Read more
Jenny Wieland (JWL Make Up & SFX)

Detrás de las escenas del musical de culto «Heiße Ecke» en la Reeperbahn

Cada noche, nueve miembros del conjunto se meten en más de 50 papeles en vertiginosos desfiles entre bastidores en el teatro «Schmidts Tivoli» de Reeperbahn y te llevan a un espectáculo trepidante de unas 24 horas en el merendero de barrio «Heiße Ecke». Las [...] Read more
Sebastian Ugovsky-Strassburger

Sinfonía acuática en Venecia

Para la partitura del documental cinematográfico «A bridge into 3 worlds», el poeta, director de teatro y cine y compositor Ugovsky-Strassburger eligió grabar sus piezas orquestales en la acústica especial del Canalazzo (Canal Grande) de Venecia por la noche [...] Read more
un poco | artist office

UN POCO cumple 7 años

¡FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS! Felicidades por el aniversario de la fundación de «UN POCO artist office», una oficina de promoción artística y cultural realmente única con sede en Berlín. Y verdaderamente una de las mejores decisiones, no pocas veces más bien hacia lo [...] Read more
Karin Ugowski

Host Karin Ugowski invites to the yearly reading

Like every year, there will be a another special reading with the theater & film actress Karin Ugowski for the start of the Advent season in the atmospheric barn of the idyllic country estate. Date 02.12.2023 start at 11 am. Please make a reservation. Read more
Jenny Wieland (JWL Make Up & SFX)

Rodaje de un documental histórico cerca del Mar del Norte

En el plató del documental « La gran huelga » (título provisional). El movimiento obrero de los años 50 se cuenta con mucha suciedad, sudor y peinados históricos. El rodaje tuvo lugar en las frías y húmedas condiciones de un astillero del Mar del Norte. Los [...] Read more
Karin Ugowski

Here is our special gift to say Thank You to all the fans

Because of thousands of birthday wishes, we did something special for you supporters to say ThankYou: Start following the actress on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, leave a comment with the HashTag #Autograph & #KarinUgowski and you will get a signed [...] Read more
Karin Ugowski

A German Theater and Film Legend turn 80!

For over half a century, the woman who says of herself "she never wanted to be an actress, actually a doctor" has been on stage and in front of the camera. And there is still no rest in sight. The acting legend Karin Ugowski turns 80! Read more
Sebastian Ugovsky-Strassburger

El poeta se fija en sus propios poemas como narrador

Multitalent S. Ugovsky-Strassburger, der hinreichend mit div. Tätigkeitsfeldern als Künstler seine Rezipienten irritiert und täglich zwischen der Rolle als Autor, Lyriker, Theater und Film Regisseur sowie Komponist und künstlerischer Leiter für Classic, Jazz [...] Read more
Jenny Wieland (JWL Make Up & SFX)

El monumento a Brehm recibe un premio museístico

El Centro Memorial Alfred y Christian Brehm «BREHMS WELT - Tiere und Menschen» de Renthendorf, Turingia, ha sido galardonado con el Premio de Museos 2022. Con este galardón, la Sparkassen-Kulturstiftung Hessen-Thüringen honra la extraordinaria riqueza de ideas [...] Read more
Sebastian Ugovsky-Strassburger

Se reanuda el gigantesco proyecto orquestal

Iniciado con las grabaciones para la partitura orquestal y el apoyo orquestal adicional en 3 canciones de Jazz, todo ello parte de un cine-documental de 5 décadas de duración sobre la vida de una actriz que ha vivido en 3 mundos diferentes a lo largo de toda [...] Read more
Karin Ugowski

The yearly Pre Advend Reading continue again

Like every year, there will be a another special reading with the theater & film actress Karin Ugowski for the start of the Advent season. Read more
Sebastian Ugovsky-Strassburger

Apoyo a proyectos de foley, mezcla y diseño de sonido

Sebastian Gilmano Ugovsky-Strassburger borrowing his ears for an external fellow project. Read more
Jenny Wieland (JWL Make Up & SFX)

Kurzfilm für die Yagmur Gedächtnisstiftung

En once años, seis niños han muerto bajo tutela pública en Hamburgo, el último Yagmur el 18 de diciembre de 2013. La Yagmur Memorial Foundation del fundador Michael Lezius dona cada año, en el aniversario de la muerte de Yagmur, el premio «Yagmur Remembrance [...] Read more
Karin Ugowski, Sebastian Ugovsky-Strassburger

Interview talk recordings for the long-term cine documentary

In the STUDIO ATELIER NORD, the shootings for the interview talks from the long-term cine documentary about the life and work of the actress Karin Ugowski are almost completed and highly charged and decade-spanning questions raised behind the scenes and while [...] Read more
Jenny Wieland (JWL Make Up & SFX)

Rodaje de un largometraje en Hamburgo

El otoño marcó también el inicio del rodaje de un nuevo largometraje, que se está rodando principalmente en Hamburgo. En el móvil de maquillaje se trenzan los cabellos largos de los futbolistas profesionales, se «pegan» tatuajes y piercings a las personas del [...] Read more
Günter Horn

Vernissage 24/09/22 10AM at Grammentin Art Estate

As always, friends of art, local residents, as well as colleagues from film and television come together and the impressions of the beginning of autumn effect through the artist's paintings, with a glass of wine. Read more
Jenny Wieland (JWL Make Up & SFX)

Rodaje de la nueva serie de la ZDF «Hotel Mondial»

Este verano en un plató del norte de Alemania. En el estudio, cerca de Hamburgo, se rodaron muchas escenas cuidadosamente decoradas para la nueva serie de la ZDF «Hotel Mondial». En Schwerin se rodaron impactantes tomas exteriores con el castillo de Schwerin [...] Read more
Karin Ugowski, Sebastian Ugovsky-Strassburger

Continúa el rodaje del documental

La actriz de cine y teatro Karin Ugowski se encuentra de nuevo en el set de rodaje, en diversos lugares de Alemania, para el documental «Un puente en tres mundos», de Sebastian Ugovsky-Strassburger. Se incluyen grabaciones sonoras con la actriz, que aún se [...] Read more
Sebastian Ugovsky-Strassburger

Se reanudan las obras del gran proyecto de la orquesta

As composer and musical director, Sebastian Ugovsky-Strassburger is currently working again on the classical orchestration for an upcoming major music project in the Studio Atelier Nord... Read more
Jenny Wieland (JWL Make Up & SFX)

German Acting Award for Tristan Seith as Peter Altmaier

How the work of an artist affects the work of an other artist: After a 3 hours make over, the actor Tristan Seith transformed into Peter Altmaier, among others maintained on set by our make-up artist "JWL Make-Up & SFX" (c./o Jenny Wieland). Read more
Sebastian Ugovsky-Strassburger

Paralización de la producción por problemas de salud del director

Se informa aquí de la UN POCO oficina del artista, que gestiona los asuntos de multi-artista Sebastian Ugovsky-Strassburger para enviar un mensaje a todos, ya que él mismo no puede hacerlo. Como algunos de ustedes saben, a finales del año pasado el artista [...] Read more
Jenny Wieland (JWL Make Up & SFX)

Back again for filming

Make-up artist JWL Make-Up & SFX was appointed as head of department for the shooting for 4 new episodes of the ARD success series "Hubert ohne Staller" this year again. Read more
Karin Ugowski, Sebastian Ugovsky-Strassburger

Las producciones continúan

Recientemente se ha reanudado el rodaje de «Camino a la vida», las grabaciones orquestales para la banda sonora de una película y la posproducción de la nueva versión de «Los colores del arco iris». El director y autor Sebastian Ugovsky-Strassburger, que, como [...] Read more
Sebastian Ugovsky-Strassburger

Nuevo estudio rural amueblado, Corona-safe

CEO/founder, artist, writer, film director, music composer & producer Sebastian Ugovsky-Strassburger set up a new and #Corona safe place on the #countryside #northwest of Germany... Read more
Sebastian Ugovsky-Strassburger

El rodaje se detiene debido a la corona

El rodaje en curso, a cargo del director Sebastian Ugovsky-Strassburger, se ha paralizado lamentablemente durante la pandemia de coronavirus de 2020. Por el momento, hay que esperar y aún no es posible decir cuándo se podrá reanudar el rodaje. Pero la [...] Read more
Jenny Wieland (JWL Make Up & SFX)

Creating a crazy zombie

The well-known vehicle manufacturer from Japan has been advertising zombies in its commercials for several years, which are broadcast worldwide and enjoy great popularity on the internet. Read more
Jenny Wieland (JWL Make Up & SFX)

As a bear cub trainer on movie set

For the ARD TV feature film "Mein Altweibersommer" (My Indian Summer) staring Iris Berben, JWL Make-Up & SFX supervised a baby bear dummy on set in Gdansk (Poland). Read more
Karin Ugowski

Reading by host Karin Ugowski

Like every year, there will be a another special reading with the theater & film actress Karin Ugowski for the start of the Advent season in the atmospheric barn of the idyllic country estate... Read more
Günter Horn

Opening on 26.10.2019 at 11:00am at the Art Estate Grammentin

The painter and graphic artist Günter Horn invites again this year to the vernissage of the exhibition of his new works on their idyllic art estate in Grammentin. Read more
Sebastian Ugovsky-Strassburger

El director Ugovsky-Strassburger en el plató del nuevo piloto de la BBC

Con el fin de probar nuevos y modernizados flujos de trabajo de producción en el mundo del cine digital, el escritor, ensayista, director de teatro y cine Sebastian Ugovsky-Strassburger ha lanzado una serie de pruebas junto con dos productoras británicas y la [...] Read more
Sebastian Ugovsky-Strassburger

Nueva música atmosférica experimental para una obra de teatro

El escritor y director de teatro y cine Sebastian Ugovsky-Strassburger, que a menudo confunde a su público con este seudónimo musical de alter ego que sólo utiliza para su música orientada al down beat y al jazz electrónico, ha producido últimamente otro [...] Read more
Karin Ugowski

Where and when to meet actress and honorary president Karin Ugowski

The opportunity to meet and get an autograph of the theater and film actress Karin Ugowski, this year's honorary president of "fabulix", will take place during the fairytale film festival in Annaberg-Buchholz on the following dates: Read more
Karin Ugowski

Call as president of honour

For this year, the theater & film actress, producer and furtherer of art and culture - Karin Ugowski - was called for being the face and in function as president of honour of this year's international fairy tale film festival "fabulix" 2019... Read more
Jenny Wieland (JWL Make Up & SFX)

Filming completed

JWL Make-Up & SFX stepped in as head of department on set for the shooting of 4 episodes of the cult ARD TV-series "Hubert ohne Staller" for make-up, SFX and hair for a period of 6 weeks temporarily. Read more
Jenny Wieland (JWL Make Up & SFX)

Transformation artist on film set

JWL Make-Up & SFX was on the set of the filming of the novel adaptation "Die Getriebenen" (Merkel) - novel by Robin Alexander - responsible for the transformation of actor Tristan Seith to the German politician Peter Altmaier. Read more
Karin Ugowski

Host Karin Ugowski kindly invites

The well-known theater and film actress Karin Ugowski honors his work with a reading of his poems while showing the sketches line by line, on a place of art by itself. Read more
Jenny Wieland (JWL Make Up & SFX)

All 6 episodes now available on Netflix

During the filming in 2016 for the series Blaumaucher, which was first aired on ZDF Neo, our makeup artist JWL Make-Up & SFX added the mask team. Read more
Jenny Wieland (JWL Make Up & SFX)

Broadcast date: 23.03. - 20:15 on ARTE

At prime time on Saturday at 8:15 pm "Violence and cannibalism - crime scenes in the Neolithic" will be screened on ARTE (TV) and of course in the media library online. Read more
Jenny Wieland (JWL Make Up & SFX)

JWL Make-Up & SFX as master of methamorphosis

In front of a green screen an actress was transformed into 10 different roles. Here, the creativity and the skills of our makeup artist were required. Read more
Jenny Wieland (JWL Make Up & SFX)

JWL Make-up & SFX on the set of the popular cult series

The make up and special effects artist JWL Make-Up & SFX was on set for the internationally well-known German Crime film series "Tatort"and was in charge of the unsightly looking corpse in the forensic medicine scenes. Read more
Karin Ugowski

Karin Ugowski & Peter Zimmermann read at Nikolai quarter theater

Due to the success and the following demand for the readings of "the slightly different Mark Twain" from the past years, another date of the reading with the actors known from cinema, film and television Karin Ugowski and Peter Zimmermann will take place in [...] Read more
Günter Horn

Vernissage 21.10.18 11:00am at the Art Estate Grammentin

On October 21, 2018, the art estate of the painter and graphic artist Günter Horn and the actress Karin Ugowski, known from cinema, film and television, will host a vernissage with works from a new phase of creativity of the artist Günter Horn. Read more
Jenny Wieland (JWL Make Up & SFX)

In cinemas from October 11th

JWL Make-Up & SFX was part of it and they made body dummies of some actors besides single parts of bodies, wounds and organs. The making of photos are not for the faint-hearted. Read more
Karin Ugowski

2x in Berlin, with Karin Ugowski and Peter Zimmermann

Next weekend, the reading of Mark Twain, which has already been successful, goes on a small tour to Berlin. On 8.9. 19:30 at Theater im Nikolaiviertel and the next time in the Kulturwerkstatt Bad Belzig the day after. Read more
Jenny Wieland (JWL Make Up & SFX)

On set for the motion picture

In early August, JWL Make-Up & SFX was on the set for a German 2nd TV channel ZDF motion picture coproduction "Toubab" planned for theatrical release next year, where Frankfurt Gangstas meet the queer scene of the city. Read more
Günter Horn

Available as a hardcover book - Trees: Symbols of Life

The author John Erpenbeck and the painter Günter Horn were inspired by these imposing creatures to capture them on paper - in impressive lithographs and drawings, with lyrical texts. Read more
Karin Ugowski

Estreno en los cines alemanes

Tras una larga incertidumbre sobre la distribución de la película después de todas las apariciones en festivales, escándalos y coronas de premios, la controvertida película «Foxtrot» de Maoz, que ha recibido críticas internacionales, llega ahora a los cines [...] Read more
Jenny Wieland (JWL Make Up & SFX)

On set for the popular ZDF documentary series

JWL Make-Up & SFX has traveled back in time with the entire shooting team right into the Stone Age on the set of the popular ZDF documentary series "Terra X". Read more
Sebastian Ugovsky-Strassburger

Sesiones de prueba de la nueva configuración de la cámara

El autor, director de teatro y cine y compositor Sebastian Ugovsky-Strassburger, que a menudo dirige él mismo la cámara en sus propios rodajes, está probando actualmente una cámara relativamente nueva y poco utilizada y el montaje asociado en torno a ella para [...] Read more
Jenny Wieland (JWL Make Up & SFX)

JWL Make-Up & SFX works backstage

JWL Make-Up & SFX will support the Maxim Gorki Theater in the Mask Department in May. The small but sophisticated house impresses with contemporary and careful stagings, which demand an extensive skill from the make-up artists. Read more
Jenny Wieland (JWL Make Up & SFX)

A corpse on set

JWL Make-Up & SFX was on the set of the popular ARD TV series "Nord bei Nordwest" with the actors Hinnerk Schönemann, Marleen Lohse and Henny Reents and enhanced the series with another corpse dummy. Read more
Karin Ugowski

Karin Ugowski congratulates all winners

As a member of the Film Academy and supporter of several films invited, she was rather here in the role of the film producer than as an actress this year, she said to a journalist on the spot. And she congratulates all winners of the evening. Read more
Karin Ugowski

One of the rare interviews with Karin Ugowski

The theater and film actress Karin Ugowski gave her first interview this year while visiting Berlin in the film festival season 2018 in the time of the Berlinale to the online magazine Interscenario. Read more
Karin Ugowski

100% positive reviews on Rotton Tomatoes

The several times awarded and among others nominated for an Oscar the Israeli motion picture Foxtrot had after it's release in december 2017 100% and a rank of 8,6/10 on one of the most acclaimed movie review sites "Rotton Tomatoes". Read more
Karin Ugowski

Announcement for the Sundance Film Festival 2018

From 18.01. - 28.01.2018, Israeli director Samual Maoz's great and critical feature film "Foxtrot" will be screened in the "Spotlight" section of the largest independent film festival, the Sundance Film Festival. Read more
Karin Ugowski

Started in US theaters

On 08.12.2017 the Israeli motion picture Foxtrot was released in the USA. Already awarded with the Silver Lion in Venice, the film will enter the race in March 2018 for the Academy Award 2018 - the Oscar. Read more
Jenny Wieland (JWL Make Up & SFX)

Completed 1st phase of shooting

September 2017 - March 2018 JWL Make-Up & SFX has finished the first filming phase of the German TV-Serial "Arthurs Gesetz", with Jan Josef Liefers, Martina Gedeck and Nora Tschirner. Read more
Karin Ugowski

Receiving the Silver Lion in Venice and an Oscar nomination

We would like to congratulate the theater and film actress, artistic and cultural supporter and film producer Karin Ugowski, who we proudly call an artist represented by our artist offices, to her collaboration with the Israeli director Samuel Maoz for his [...] Read more
Jenny Wieland (JWL Make Up & SFX)

Shooting for the German series banger

September 2017 - March 2018 JWL Make-Up & SFX is working as SFX make up artist at the TV-Serial production "Arthurs Gesetz" with Jan Josef Liefers. Read more
Günter Horn

Vernissage 07.10.17 11:00am at the Art Estate Grammentin

And again the painter and graphic artist Günter Horn and his wife Karin Ugowski, the actress well-known from film and TV, invites to a vernissage on their idyllic country estate in the North of Germany. Read more
Karin Ugowski

Reading by and with Karin Ugowski on 24.11.2017

Like every year, there will be a special reading to the start of the Advent season of and by the theater & film actress Karin Ugowski in the atmospheric barn of the idyllic country estate... Read more
Karin Ugowski, Sebastian Ugovsky-Strassburger

Rodaje del proyecto de película cinematográfica de larga duración

La actriz de cine y teatro Karin Ugowski volverá a ponerse delante de la cámara en mayo de 2017 para el rodaje del proyecto cinematográfico de larga duración «Los colores del arco iris», del director Sebastian Ugovsky-Strassburger, que combina secuencias de [...] Read more
Günter Horn

Vernissage 16.10.16 11:00am at the Art Estate Grammentin

In the ambience of autumn, on the art estate of the painter & graphic artist Günter Horn the latest work exhibition of the artist "Kitchen paintings and landscapes" take place. Read more
Jenny Wieland (JWL Make Up & SFX)

Filming the black humor German television series

JWL Make-Up & SFX is in September 2016 as a make up artist on the set of the ZDF Neo serial "Blaumacher"... Read more
Jenny Wieland (JWL Make Up & SFX)

In the side wings of the big stage

JWL Make-Up & SFX is working as a makeup & hair artist at the Salzburg Festival in Austria... Read more
Karin Ugowski

Film shootings for motion picture by Samuel Maoz

Karin Ugowski was in front of the camera in the role of the protagonist's mother in January / February 2016 for the shooting of the Israeli / French / German filmproduction "Foxtrot" by the Israeli director Samuel Maoz. Read more
Jenny Wieland (JWL Make Up & SFX)

Filming the thriller novel adaption

From December 2016 until March 2017 JWL Make-Up & SFX is working as a SFX make up artist at the cinema production "Abgeschnitten", a film adaptation of the novel by Sebastian Fitzek & Michael Tsokos... Read more
Karin Ugowski, Sebastian Ugovsky-Strassburger

Rodaje del thriller político de S. Ugovsky-Strassburger

En enero / febrero de 2016, la actriz de cine y teatro Karin Ugowski volvió a ponerse delante de la cámara para el rodaje de la producción de largometrajes «Mauersegler» (espionaje/ thriller político, dirigida por Sebastian Ugovsky-Strassburger) para escenas [...] Read more
Karin Ugowski

Appearance in the "Brest Off" list of the Festival Européen du Film Court de Brest

Karin Ugowski plays in the short film "Open", published in 2005, one of the main roles. Now the film has been included in the collection of the best short films of 30 years at the Européen du Filmcourt de de Brest. Read more
Sebastian Ugovsky-Strassburger

Partitura de una superproducción de Hollywood

Otra contribución a la partitura cinematográfica del polifacético autor, compositor y creador teatral y cinematográfico Sebastian Ugovsky-Strassburger (alias Gilmano, su seudónimo musical), que produjo la canción de rap que abre la escena de acción en la que [...] Read more
Günter Horn

Vernissage 22.08.15 11:00am at the Art Estate Grammentin

The painter and graphic artist Günter Horn celebrates his 80th birthday this year. To mark the occasion, the exhibition of his latest works will be presented under the name "From Behind, From Below, From Within". Read more
Karin Ugowski, Sebastian Ugovsky-Strassburger

CineDoc: Tensión entre el periodismo y el rodaje de películas

Karin Ugowski se puso regularmente delante de la cámara tanto en 2013 como en 2014 para el rodaje del documental con el título provisional «Auf dem Weg ins Leben» («De camino a la vida») con motivo de su azarosa vida en tres mundos: nacida en la Segunda Guerra [...] Read more
Günter Horn

Vernissage 31.05.14 11:00am at the Art Estate Grammentin

And also this year the painter and graphic artist Günter Horn and his wife, the actress Karin Ugowski invite to the vernissage on their idyllic country estate in the north of Germany. Read more
Sebastian Ugovsky-Strassburger

Contribución a la partitura de la producción cinematográfica de Hollywood

En 2011, el autor, autor teatral y cineasta Sebastian Ugovsky-Strassburger, alias Gilmano, que también es productor musical con 20 años de lanzamientos musicales de éxito internacional, así como compositor clásico y director de orquesta, aportó algunos de los [...] Read more