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Abbildung von Sebastian Ugovsky-Strassburger mit Filmkamera
Copyright holder
Sebastian Ugovsky-Strassburger
© All rights reserved

Production Stop caused by health issues of director

It reports here UN POCO artist office, which manages the affairs of multi-artist Sebastian Ugovsky-Strassburger to send a message to all, since he himself can not do it.
As some of you know, at the end of last year the artist had a serious and almost fatal accident during a film shoot in the last large contiguous virgin forest area in Europe, on the border with the Masuria. Due to health problems and a life-threatening hospitalization of the directors, the restarted productions had to be stopped again.
The reason for our message: Since he is currently unable to contact you, we received countless letters from friends and colleagues on various channels. After much consideration, we have decided, with his agreement, to now write this message and send it out into the round. With the request to all to give him some time of rest to regain his strength.
