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Deutsches Bundesarchiv

The German Federal Archives (BArch) is the state archive of the Federal Republic of Germany. It was founded in 1952 at its current location in Koblenz.

The Federal Archives (BArch) is a higher federal authority of the Federal Republic of Germany, subordinate to the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM), with around 2270 employees.

It is responsible for permanently preserving the archives of the Federal Government and its predecessor institutions, making them usable and utilizing them academically. Its work is based on the Federal Archives Act and (since June 17, 2021) the Stasi Records Act. The main office is located in Koblenz. However, the Berlin-Lichterfelde site is the largest facility of the Federal Archives in terms of space and staff, with a particularly high volume of users. In addition, the library in Berlin-Lichterfelde has by far the most extensive library holdings within the Federal Archives with around 1.7 million volumes.

On December 6, 2008, the archive made 100,000 photos available to the public by making them accessible via Wikimedia Commons. (Source: Wikipedia)