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Abbildung von Poster - Lesung Mark Twain mit Karin Ugowski und Peter Zimmermann 2019
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Karin Ugowski & Peter Zimmermann read at Nikolai quarter theater

Due to the success and the following demand for the readings of "the slightly different Mark Twain" from the past years, another date of the reading with the actors known from cinema, film and television Karin Ugowski and Peter Zimmermann will take place in March. The two actors have turned to what is probably the oldest and most interesting material in humanity, that of Adam and Eve. The point of view of author Mark Twain here, who has his very own original version of the story about the red apple and the two players in love. The reading on March 9, 2019 is a resumption of the successful stagings, which will possibly also be released as an audiobook soon.

The reading is in German, so you should only join with acceptable knowledge of literary language in German.

Event Date: 09.03.19
Start: 19:30
Adress: Theater im Nikolaiviertel

Tickets are available online and by telephone at the following ticket offices and concert ticket outlets:…
Hotline: 030 - 47 99 74 15…
Hotline: 01806 - 57 00 70 (chargeable)…
Hotline: 01806 - 44 70 000 (chargeable)

Reading, Event