Film festival
International Fairy Tale Film Festival fabulix

For this year, the theater & film actress, producer and furtherer of art and culture - Karin Ugowski - was called for being the face and in function as president of honour of this year's international fairy tale film festival "fabulix" 2019 and will be available for fans and media in Annaberg-Buchholz from late August to early September. The Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to Jacki Schwarz. The audience award went to the film "Snow White and the Magic of the Dwarfs" by Ngo The Chau.

The further of art office un poco has supported the event by organizing the presence of president of honour actress Karin Ugowski - which is a supported artist of un poco - and by promoting the event and assigning MAROQQO studios to produce a president of honour speech video which has been screened all over the festival and in the internet.
